Success in IAS Exam – An Astrological Combination for Civil service

Astrological Combination for Civil service, placement of planets in sign for IAS

Success in IAS Exam

  • Many planets in Agni Rashi (Fire signs).
  • The placement of Planets in Sign Leo and Sagittarius which are the signs of Royalty. Aries and Scorpio being the signs of mars also give top positions.
  • Mars+Saturn in 10th house or 2nd house.
  • 10th lord in 2nd house also gives a position in life.

Astrological Combination for Civil service

Therefore, Sun: Sun represents government, authority, political power, personal magnetism, etc

Moon: Moon represents Strength of mind, public responsibility, popularity, Moral and religious acts, etc

Mars: Mars represents the Military operation, defense, courage, prowess, Police, Soldiers, engineers, etc

Jupiter: Jupiter represents Judges, Ministers, Lawyers, legal affairs, bankers, etc.

3rd house: Civil service exam is considering one of the most difficult competitive exams in the country and 3rd house represents courage, competitive.

6th house: 9th house is Bhagya Sthana, 9th house from a 10th house is 6th house. So well placed 6th house & 6th lord will give the combination to enjoy government benefits

8th house: 11th house indicate gains. 11th house from the 10th house is 8th house. So well placed 8th house indicates gains from Government.

10th house: 10th house rules profession, occupation, temporal honors and success

If The 10 house lord is placing in 9th house and the third house is strong then easily can be clear IAS

The upachaya houses 3,6,10,11 should be very strong and malefic planets in these houses give strength and vigor to sustain and keep fighting in tough situations. They do not get bogging down easily which is a quality required for becoming an IAS.

However, Many planets in Agni Rashi (Fire signs).

The placement of Planets in Sign Leo and Sagittarius which are the signs of Royalty. Aries and Scorpio being the signs of mars also give top positions.

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